Message from the President

Since 1895 Sterling has been providing quality insurance protection to New Yorkers with an ever expanding array of product offerings.

As a mutual company located in upstate New York, we are owned by our policyholders versus stockholders. Consequently, we are not accountable to “Wall Street”, we are accountable to “Main Street” where our policyholders live and work, just as we do. Our mutual company status allows us to take a long-term outlook and proactively respond to the needs of our policyholders without pressure from stockholders who are often interested in short-term gains. We are an incredibly stable organization that has grown to where we now insure over 100,000 New Yorkers.

We are rated A (Excellent) by AM Best Company, the industry’s most widely recognized rating authority and independent agents have consistently ranked us as a top carrier to do business within New York State.

I encourage you to visit an independent agent that represents Sterling to learn more about our company and products.


Nino Cogliandro

President & CEO